I am keeping this for future about sigil magick

 Basically, you just light an incense stick and let the ashes fall and then draw what they look like. Your intention can be set beforehand in your mind. You are lighting this incense so that you can derive a sigil from its ashes for some purpose. If you want you can speak your intention aloud into the smoke or write it on a paper that the ashes will fall on. You could surround your incense with candles, herbs, stones, or other magical items. You could partition your deities for their guidance in the falling of the ashes and/or your interpretation of them. There's really a lot you can do with this if you want to build it into part of a larger ritual but it also works well as background magic. You could light the incense, go about your business and come back to the ashes later. There are many possible choices and they're all yours to make as you see fit.

I like to put a white sheet of paper under where the ashes will land because it makes them easier to see. It's also helpful to use an incense holder that places the stick at an angle over the paper. If the ashes fall straight down onto the holder they're more difficult to read in my opinion. Still doable, it just gets more complicated, especially if you have ashes landing on multiple levels instead of on a flat surface.

Another thing to consider is that sometimes the incense will kind of stay strung together and not actually fall all the way off the stick. When this happens I will gently tap the stick until the ashes fall.

I like to light candles around where I'm burning the incense because it feels more magical to me. If you do this, make sure you don't blow out the candles near the ashes because you could blow the ashes away before you've had a chance to draw them. (I've made this mistake more than once lol)

After the incense is done burning, you can take pictures of the ashes if that's helpful for you. I did mostly so I could post them and talk about it but I have also loaded the pictures into a drawing app so I could trace the sigil drawings digitally. This method could be helpful if you're less confident with your artistic skills.

After pictures (if you chose to take them) it's time to draw your ashes. Start by gazing at them. Look at the shapes they make. Think of any designs or pictures you see being formed. Then, draw what you see. It doesn't need to be perfect because you'll refine your drawing later. In fact, I recommend not trying to draw them more than twice while actually looking at the ashes because this allows for a natural sort of sigil evolution.

Once you get your drawing down on paper, dispose of the ashes. If you're doing a digital tracing, hide the picture you traced, too. Depending on your intention, you might want to dispose of them in a specific way. Mine usually go into a nearby trashcan but you could choose to dump them in a special spot outside, scatter them on the wind, or even rub them onto your body. Always try to make the process as individualized as you need it to be.

Now, take your initial drawing and refine it. Make it prettier, correct shapes you didn't quite like the first time. On this sigil I left the three groups of ashes separated but in the past I've decided to push the groupings together in my drawings so that they form one larger sigil instead of several smaller ones. This is where you get to use your intuition to make artistic choices. There are no right or wrong ways to do this, just do what feels good to you. You might decide to play with the shapes and make something that wasn't in the original ashes. That's fine! You are a sigil magician, your task is to create a visual representation of your will, not to factually replicate an image of ashes.

Your end result should be visually pleasing to you and look like, well, a sigil! What you do with that sigil is up to you to decide. I like to post mine online and make use of other people's eyeballs. You might want to go full circle and return your sigil to ashes by burning it. That seems fitting but since the original ashes were already disposed of, any need for destruction has already been met so do what thou wilt!
